Marlin Williams

The first Black Woman in the 233-year history of the Supreme Court, has been confirmed!

Marlin Williams • May 24, 2022

Excited that the first Black Woman in the 233-year history of the Supreme Court, has been confirmed! Many were shocked about the treatment she endured during the hearings and today’s “collective walkout” of those who didn’t vote for her – however, Black women were not shocked at all. Unfortunately this is the journey and experience for many of us.

Microagressions: Throughout my years of work in DEI, I’ve been asked many times for examples of microagressions. Look no further, the perfect example is the treatment and disrespect Ketanji endured during the confirmation hearings which is now a part of history and can be referenced in the future. Our new Supreme Court Justice graciously answered the questions and continued to show up. Unfortunately these are the same micoragressions that Black Women endure at work.

How it shows up today: Black women no matter how qualified are often overlooked, held to a higher standard and understand that we have to be twice as good as others to be recognized. We are accepted and heard if we go along with the status quo or dim our light, but as soon as we speak our/the truth we are often deemed angry, adversarial or not a team player which shows up in an abundance of microagressions.

Lastly, we pull it together, show up everyday with the intention of being positive and rising above, longing to make a difference all while hoping for a change or any form of “woke” behavior (not words), we do this without open tears, masking the pain of suppressed emotions, without cursing people out or giving up. We continue to bring our whole selves to work and get it done.

Advice to Corporations: If you want to know the depth of the DEI experience, speak with the Black Women in your organization and do not not explain away their experiences – trust me you will be better for it. If taken seriously, the data you receive will be a gift to your organization. And then do something. I’m not talking about an act of comfort, but something impactful even if it’s uncomfortable.

This is not commentary wanting folk to feel sorry for Black Women (never that). This is simply my truth and I KNOW who I am.

So, today I will dance, laugh, cry and celebrate as this appointment is monumental. Tomorrow – back to work to elevate the  #DEI Movement.

The first Black Woman in the 233-year history of the Supreme Court, has been confirmed!

The first Black Woman in the 233-year history of the Supreme Court, has been confirmed! Marlin Williams • May 24, 2022 Excited that the first Black Woman in the 233-year history of the Supreme Court, has been confirmed! Many were shocked about the treatment she endured during the hearings and today’s “collective walkout” of those […]

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